
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mammoth post 2k10+2

Dearest Third Cousin,

In response to your recent email:

Just For you a photo heavy post.
 photo above taken by Paul woods find him here!

1) Halloween was gas
2) and yes the trick or treat'rs like time outs and so did we much later on.
3) Miss Blau Von T hanging out in the Forest.
4) Photo Taken by Blau during one of our adventures.
5)In Berlin freezing my ass off photo by She's in Vogue blogger Kathyrn .
6)Kathyrn looking fab in the Glucksman gallery. 
7)Christmas Faux fur fun in Tralee.
8)Chillin' in Freakscene with the uber stylish Senita and co.
9) Oh look Senita again hanging by a tree!
10) The stunning Kate Lineen in some vintage threads in a little photo-shoot I styled.
11) Aisling Fitzpatrick my deputy editor this year with Motley magazine looking chic in the park.
12) The super talented Photographer Julia Healy on the other side of the lens!
13) Myself again causally posing by a lamppost! 

I hope you enjoyed a little photo story detailing some of my outings these past few months and some of the amazing people I shared these outings with! 

Images 3,6,9,10,11,12,13 by Julia's Photos
All other images stated in text above or facebook :D

Your Third Cousin